Concert Season

Christmas 2021

Sure on This Shining Night

Saturday, November 27
Anglican Cathedral
7:30pm (doors open at 6:30pm)

Featuring Lady Cove and Newman Sound Men’s Choir

With special guests, Deantha Edmunds, soprano, and the NL Deaf Choir.

Despite the many challenges we have faced during the pandemic, one thing is for sure: this year’s kick-off to Christmas is what we all need – to once again join with our family and friends, to share the songs of the season together… on this night, our hearts are whole.

Tickets: SOLD OUT

All patrons ages 12+ must provide proof of vaccination upon entry. Masks must be worn at all times while indoors and distancing will be maintained wherever possible. To learn more about the safety measures we will have in place, click HERE. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our singers and our community safe.

Click HERE to see the concert program.